
The funniest part of this was when I saw two women fighting over the issue: who spends less and spares her husband more. :D

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Torso: Playing like Revenant

Of thick air, streaming into the room
Where the last sitting was with the beasts.
Beasts with uncanny polemics for the deads,
Rising and rising up in the fire

Of thick ash, finding the shelter
Of the pauper, living in the air, with
The ghostly zephyr, turning on the heat,
Rising and rising up in the air

Of vernal showers, keeping the thirst alive
Like stench, of urge and desire, with
A sensuous outfit to touch the death,
Rising and rising like fire, along the air..


THE fruit had on it the colour of
Yellow, when I stung it with a syringe,
Appeared a clot of blood,
I saw it; a strange sympathy flourished
The fruit said ' Why cant you see.. still..?'
Peeling, I found ten thousand and seven hundred
Cells in its flesh, its soul..

NOT a fruit. A skull was there on the field
Today it has the colour of white, pale
There was soft green grass. A mouse,
Thinks of a shelter, enters through
One eye-hole, only to be cheated by the other.
A paddy field is nearby.
Two kits were playing.
One of them picked up one of my bones,
But werent there a few more?
Werent there two hundred and...?
The skull mocked-
'Cant you see the wretched village!
Some are for the wolves, some deserve the foxes
The ants found a better
Stay inside your flesh and you were
Silent. And now
So fake your tears..'

I was afraid, cant open my eyes,
The moon, at the space, today its too white.
Far away- the dead huts, the bushes, the tilted fences
The torn clothes can be seen, the black
Umbrella; cockroaches piling up in that black nest;
Leaves fall on it.
I can see much more- a pair of shoes
My mother gave me a sacred thread
Where is that?
I cant see anything now, no more can I
Grabbing the mad breezes, I swim through
The space, over the greens and on the field
Still conquers, still lives under the moon, My own white, pale skull..

An effort to translate a poem ''khuli'' by Joy Goswamy.

Saturday, March 28, 2009


A Small
Piece of
Broken heart
Crawling the
Of orphic
He said when
Love, lust, flesh
And the murmuring sex
Filled up life
To the brim
Broken pieces, lighter
Waves around
Catching the glimpses
Of misty eyes
Cleared them off
Many a times
Living lie, a lie
A death
Crawling again
Love, love
I want to
Kiss again..
The deadly pain

Days of Tricks

Sunbeams hitting her from behind the bars of clouds
A two or three of them
Yes, there were three
Tied with soiled frocks
Playing tricks of counting
Starting from that day..

She was alone on the bank when
He was disappearing slowly
Behind the heaps of growth, of barren hopes
Her shadow, reflected on the narrow rill
Echoed the lame hope of getting back
The dreams of bringing back..

Echoing has its part in the lead
With the mother and her daughters
Playing the same game over the years
A tiny hope, he hasnt been slaughtered
The blood drops which when touched the grains
Formed the tears, the precious rains
A soldier never needs a veil
Always leaves a sanguine trail
To follow the past, to live and fight
To play the trick, the woeful plight..

Her only son when waits in womb
She stares and watches the counting trick
Handed over to the little Gods,
A soldier is coming within a few weeks..


Running, running to yell...
Changeling, holding tight the trouser
With mawkish demeanor
He took the lane to the nearest shore
Blackish eyes tell the tale
Of the grail..
The seed He bore

The seed it got was not so cherished
Someone threw it out of anger
Might be he was afraid
Though not unblemished

The cretin got the hold of it
''Throw away'' said the cowards when
It played the game of ''tossing''
When the shameless closed their eyes
And the rich were out of self-restrained
To grab the chances of sanity and fame
The ''toss'' was what they waited for, they baited for
And what is more it was a moron..

The lane ended with some broken bricks
Sketching the last rubbles of stairs
Was sitting the man with the golden stick
Unnoticed, unheard from the mundane affairs
A flash was what he was waiting for
Searing blasphemy he has ever adored
The sinking souls he has foiled, can never touch
A cast away with God embroiled
His hands were raised and the final embarkment
Lost again into the crowds of sins and folly,
Where now there moves around another insane
With a golden compass, truly holy..

When redemption was on the heads
I couldn't help pushing the threads
Of sanctity holding me tight to behold
To bring me up to the mighty threshold
And even when people ran after
I ran faster, after a moments falter
To grab the stick, again to reign
To consecrate, to live again..


It wasnt hard for me to look calmly at the perfidious smile
Minutes of turbulence
And that shimerring shock of revealing myself

Those eyes were raining
Fingers trying out new games of wonder
The coiffure laughing vain

They didnt know
Nor did they ask why I took so pain
A child she was
And me? A demon with disdain

Following us were some naked saints with eyes of vengeance
Same as those came in my incubus
Same as those which scared me before
Before the inferno singed my soul

And now when thy love still tears me apart
Still when the hustle wakes me up from my eternal darkness
I lift my hand

I won He says..


The lizard
Still staring hard to see the last leaves falling prey.

The eyes
Go on crinkling, to be small enough to demolish the fear
Of witnessing the truth

Though we wish to become the leaves again
Swinging through the greens
Down into our skins
The lofty souls of umber serene..


I ran
I fell
I stopped
I looked up when I saw
A thousand roads fighting for their gasps
A thousand thunders
A million flashes

When they found me
In the pages of blood,
I still hunted for the blood,
The glory.