
The funniest part of this was when I saw two women fighting over the issue: who spends less and spares her husband more. :D

Saturday, March 28, 2009


It wasnt hard for me to look calmly at the perfidious smile
Minutes of turbulence
And that shimerring shock of revealing myself

Those eyes were raining
Fingers trying out new games of wonder
The coiffure laughing vain

They didnt know
Nor did they ask why I took so pain
A child she was
And me? A demon with disdain

Following us were some naked saints with eyes of vengeance
Same as those came in my incubus
Same as those which scared me before
Before the inferno singed my soul

And now when thy love still tears me apart
Still when the hustle wakes me up from my eternal darkness
I lift my hand

I won He says..

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