
The funniest part of this was when I saw two women fighting over the issue: who spends less and spares her husband more. :D

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I think, therefore I am

When I woke up this morning, I was a bit surprised. Because of the hump in my right leg, I could not attend the regular lambaste (of my boss) and I had to stay in the couch with my laptop. Oh yes, the shocking thing: I felt that I was actually making up my mind since last night not to visit the so-called "outdoor". Was it a co-incidence that I felt the pains only this morning! Perhaps everything I see, I feel that I want to see them. If we all think over this thing, we may run into confusion. May be we see things because there is something inside us which forces things to be done that way. We may think of the world as a kaleidoscopic ever evolving scene, which always keeps on changing as we want. A "psychic" dimension we may call it. Some of us don't believe in God, some believe in ghosts and some people don't want to believe anything. We doubt about the things which may or may not exist. It might be the case that we ourselves don't exist. It happens sometimes that we feel " This words I have heard before" or " I think I have visited this place before" or "I could visualize this thing before". The existent don't have the power to control the things as they pass by. Only the non-existent possess that. May be we are not existing at all; nothing is real. We make up things in our minds and try to mould the things in our own pattern. We hear the things as we want to hear; we need to get tensed, so we create the problems in our own way. The feelings of disgust, envy, treachery, hypocrisy etc are all our self-creation. We can feel happy in any of the ways, but we say "I am not happy" only to give ourselves a chance to recreate a new mental thought to be implemented later, somehow. If we stop thinking we will land up in an absolute deserted scenario. One can think in this way: Science proves everything. So the great powers of Buddha or Ramakrishna can be enlightened in this context. They had control over their thoughts. May be they were the ones who discovered that we don't exist. They created their own world of thoughts, but as they were "Caspers", as they had more concentration and meditating abilities, their worlds were at the most felt by us; we could not perceive or see them. "Divinity" we may call it. What if I say that the world is a home for our thoughts and the people around us are imginary and they play their roles accordingly. This world is a matrix of the complex patterns which are joined very orderly in our minds. A "mystic vision" may help us knowing the existing and non-existing. May be we cannot see beyond 3 dimensions because our minds do not want to. May be the Heaven or Hell are beyond these 3 dimensions! To see a 3D image we need special glasses; may be someday the scientists will be able to invent specs by which we will be able to visualize many more dimensions. Then, we might see others' thoughts effecting or generating images which appear before us and we may discover the secrets of the mind, brain and universe. At least for now, We are because we want to and we think, therefore we are.


  1. The psychic dimension theory is more felt than explained.
    On a lighter note,regarding our so called 'Outdoor',u will see,many a times ur mind is forcing u not to visit that 'outdoor' the next morning!b :)
